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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tuesday, 29-December-2009

1) She seems to do this often, but she forgets that when it comes to 401k paperwork that the carrying firm has their own proprietary rollover paperwork to do it.

2) She made this comment last week (my coworker, HK, just reminded me) that her family never fights or has any quarrels (NOTE: We found this hard to believe when she said this.) However, when asking JG if he had a chance to meet any of her blood-related family members at her wedding, he said that he only saw her daughter, the medical assistant. Apparently there was an issue with her son. The son's ex-wife was at our Christmas dinner.

Monday, 28-December-2009

Nothing to report. She was fairly busy with her own paperwork. She got married on Saturday, so all the work she procrastinated last week caught up.

Friday, 25-December-2009

Celebrating Christmas.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Thursday, 24-December-2009

1) Lawyer, Tony, who shares the building with us, gave us Starbucks gifts on Wednesday. During lunch, HK asked if Boss knew that Tony gave the staff gifts. Boss just shook her head. Today, Boss asked BR if Tony gave the staff gifts. NOTE: Apparently, she forgot within 24 hours.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wednesday, 23-December-2009

1) Well, more evidence she gets her annuity riders mixed up. I was trying to update her Winter Workshops flyer and she wanted me to add another bullet point under the Annuity workshop in 10-February-2010. So I threw out 'Guaranteed Income' and she immediately responded that it's not guaranteed past 85 years of age. WRONG. American Legacy does have a rider that does guarantee income for life, but there are stipulations. HK actually had to squeeze that comment, because I'm not as familiar with the American Legacy Products (eg. riders.) Eventually, we came into agreement to put Income4Life.

2) Apparently now, we have to put a sticky post-it note on the folders with directions to 'SEE SIGNATURE FOLDER'. Apparently, it is not enough that there is a Signature folder alone for Boss to see. The Signature Folder contains documents that need the clients signature (ie. AIF, Applications, etc.) I would honestly have to think that just having a Signature Folder alone in the group of folders (which by the way we put in the very front) is enough to merit that a Signature is needed.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tuesday, 22-December-2009

1A) Client Kieko & JL were scheduled to have an appointment here today at 930. So Boss comes in and asks HK why she scheduled them for 930, because they never ever get out of bed until late morning and we always schedule them to have a meeting in afternoon. Boss said she doubted they show up. NOTE: They showed up on time.

1B) Unfortunately, the clients had to wait 20 minutes, because American Legacy, Rich + wife made a surprise visit here since they were in the neighborhood. NOTE: Client shows up on-time and has to wait 20-25 minutes.

1C) Client KL didn't show up with JL, instead they brought her daughter and some other gentlemen. Prior to them showing up, I had only printed 1 summary. Because I did not want to waste 16 pages of paper and only have 1 person showing up. When I noticed that there were a total of 3 people, I quickly printed 2 other summary copies and waited for Boss to tell me how many copies she wanted. I did this, because I was not sure who the gentlemen was and did not want to assume he automatically receives a copy. Boss comes in and asks for one copy. I give her one copy. Two minutes later, she comes in asking for another copy and I hand her the final copy. She seemed frustrated on asking for the last copy, since I did not read her mind.

1D) At 1020, clients J/HW and two other friends showed up to speak to Boss real quick. Boss leaves her meeting KL and talks to the people that showed up on the fly. I thought this was horrible that Boss left a meeting to say hi to the people that showed up.

1E) HK just got out of the meeting and apparently KL prefers morning meetings, because she takes an afternoon nap. So apparently Boss has her facts backwards.

Monday, 21-December-2009

1) Boss apparently did not screw on her peanut butter glass jar tight enough. There is peanut oil all over the inside part of the cabinet from the leakage. Because she cannot see that well, she did not clean it up.

2) So yesterday, BR answers the phone yesterday from my station. She tells Boss and while BR is walking back into my office, Boss yells what line (is the client holding on?) So BR says, "Line 1" and then comes into my office and is like, "what do you mean 'what line'? There's only one person on hold." NOTE: The reason why she has to say 'what line' is because she cannot see the red blinking light that the client is on hold. So by us telling Boss the number, she's able to just touch and feel the number to push.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Friday, 18-December-2009

1) Boss got upset with HK regarding JL's account. The reason why she was upset was because a mutual fund purchase was made within JL's Pershing account and not Direct. JL had mutual fund purchases with Pershing, so HK or I would reasonably anticipate that future mutual fund purchases would be made within the Pershing Account. To take cash out of the Pershing and transferred to the Direct Fund Company takes both time and a Letter of Authorization. Boss said she did not know a LOA was required. NOTE: Boss has asked several times for an LOA on different accounts, so there is a lot of inconsistency.

2) Boss asked HK for a fourth time what she had for dinner the night before.

Thursday, 17-December-2009

Day went smoothly. Boss was out most of the day on a doctor's appointment. She originally said the doctor's appointment was for her finance, Bob, but she came back with her mouth swollen. She was using ice packs most of the day. Boss is planning for the wedding and we have our Christmas dinner tonight.

1) Boss asked 3 times what we were having for dinner all within a 1 hour time-span. She asked within 10 minutes in one of the cases.

2) We had to go around the around the table and tell us a new years resolution for next year. When it got to client JW, she gave a really long story before telling her resolution. Well, Boss wasn't really paying attention after the first few minutes. After JW was done speaking and giving her resolution, Boss just asked her again. NOTE: Boss basically has a 1 minute attention span.

Wednesday, 16-December-2009

Day went smoothly. I think boss is busy planning her wedding.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tuesday, 15-December-2009

1) Boss made JG run to Toys R' Us for the Zhu Zhu pet. Unfortunately, they ran out prior to him getting there. NOTE: What other personal errands is she going to ask him to do?

2) Boss blew up today when a 401k applicant at BE didn't have paperwork. She came in our office and told HK and I, "How could we drop they ball on this." The reality is, there is no paperwork and the 401k participant has to sign all their paperwork through payroll. Boss calmed down when she realized the applicant had no money.

3A) Boss is doing a 1035 exchange on 3 of her own annuities. HK asked her if she was going to purchase at NAV and Boss did not understand why she would do that. NOTE: She's doing that to save on commissions.

3B) Boss may want to process 1035 on herself to help boost up her revenue, so that she can be closer to VIP. NOTE: Considering revenue has been hurting as bad as it has, I doubt she's even close to the revenue goal to qualify.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday, 15-December-2009

1) Boss changed her mind about Safe Harbor contribution. Last week, Boss said she would match 6% and give at her discretion the 3% Safe Harbor contribution. Well, today she said she will not add the kicker bonus of the Safe Harbor contribution. So now it's either the Safe Harbor contribution or the 6% contribution. One could possibly contribute nothing and just be entitled to the 6%. Note: This is why it's important to have everything in writing. Boss changes her mind way too much.

2) Boss has gone very low on the radar about discussing her wedding dinner with anyone on Saturday, 26-December-2009. None of the staff except for BR and DS are suppose to know about it. Well, today, BR told HK and I that the clipboard RSVP is at her desk. Apparently, Boss put the RSVP number as our work number. Even though BR answers the phone all the time, I guess it never occurred to Boss that HK, JG, or I answer the phone. Things are a little weird, and I'm not really sure why she's not being a little more open about it. She didn't even tell us about the invitations she was creating last Friday and today I saw her sneak some invitations in to be used on the cutting slicer. She quickly cut some invitations and then ran out of the room.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday, 11-December-2009

1) So Boss is taking a headcount for lunch. She's purchasing burgers from her favorite burger joint. She was looking for JG to see if he wanted a burger, but he had stepped out of the office to drop off KN's, our RR, package at the Post Office to have it overnighted. Well, Boss, gets upset because he was not here. NOTE: She was also probably upset that JG used her time (that she's paying him) to deliver something helping KN's business.

Thursday, 10-December-2009

1) So we had a meeting today in response to what is going to happen to the 401k program here. The policy for the 2010 401k program is in-line with most other companies that I worked with. It will be a .50 cent match dollar for dollar up to 6% of gross salary. I think that's very fair, and that's probably how the 401k program should have been all this time. There are some additional rules though. The 401k plan calls for the employer to cap 50% of the gross salary in the first and last six months of the year. In other words, a contributor cannot stack the last few paychecks by year end to maximize the match. This is done to protect the employer matching.

HK needed an update on the 401k, because it was a determinant on whether she was going to quit on the spot or stay a little bit longer. HK was able to get a slightly increase in her match with the last two paychecks, and Boss had to make it a point in the meeting that "...its gonna kill the business if i do that contribute $625/period, but I will do it..." NOTE: If $625 or $1250 in total is going to kill the business, this business is in a lot of trouble. Plus, that was a very crappy thing to say, nothing should have been said at all.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Wednesday, 9-December-2009

1) So HK is not going to get the 401k match as promised from two weeks ago. So Boss yet again has changed her mind. Where does this end on her consistently changing her mind?

2) HK was talking to client TM in the lobby. That's what we're suppose to do when Boss' meetings overlap. So rather then have the client just sit in the lobby, we're suppose to 'entertain' them. So HK had to entertain client TM for about 15 minutes (ie 1056am to 1111am) and while the client is still talking, Boss just comes out and says (in a joking manner) "Hello, I'm Beverly McConaghy." That's her joke ice breaker, because todays client was her daughter-in-law. Anyway, she consistently is very rude when interupting conversations. She just barges in rather then wait for her turn to speak. Her selfishness has really pissed me off.

Tuesday, 8-December-2009

Nothing to report, since she was out most of the day.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Monday, 7-December-2009

1) Before I left on Friday, Boss questioned the JR summary that I put together for her meeting at BE today. The item(s) in question was that JR moved something from his class A fund to his 401k class R2 fund. Typically, R2 funds are more expensive on an annual basis. She told me to research this today on Friday. I told HK this on Saturday at the Client Appreciation Brunch. HK researched this Monday morning. Boss came to HK and asked why was JR Summary for review written on the board. HK explained that JR had called Friday requesting a summary to be completed upon her arrival. Boss asks HK, "Is this completed?" HK says, "Yes". Boss scratches off the board. NOTE: So basically Boss forgot about my conversation with her regarding the item in question on Friday.

Friday, December 04, 2009

Friday, 4-December-2009

1) So HK asked Boss that she was having problems filling up the calendar with clients for the remainder of December. And Boss tells HK to not add or call any more, because clients are busy shopping for Christmas. NOTE: So this is why I was unable to take off November and December. Apparently, we are too busy.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Thursday, 3-December-2009

Boss is in a very frantic mood today. She's complaining just about everything.

1) Boss had a very difficult time communicating a request to HK. Guardian of a client came in and Boss wanted to have some kind of 'Letter of Authorization' to do. It was unclear what she wanted, because the Guardian was already designated legally as a Guardian of someone who was incapacitated. So why would we need a letter of authorization drafted up?

2) Boss was complaining that everything that comes through the fax machine should be given to her. Because she is the OSJ Manager, she needs to see everything. I've been here 11 months going on 12 and now this is an issue? She also reiterated that, even though something is sitting in our inbox we cannot assume that Boss saw it.

3) Boss wants us to show up at 830am on Saturday, 5-December-2009 for the 930 am Client Appreciation Brunch. I actually did not have a choice to attend, because she asked me yesterday, if my wife was coming (ie. basically implying that it was assumed that I was attending.)
4) So HK and BR have to do call reminders everyone who is planning to attend Saturday, 5-December-2009 Brunch. They still have to make the call reminder EVEN if the client called yesterday to make reservations.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Wednesday, 2-December-2009

1) BR was busy taking care of a phone call and another incoming phone call was ringing. Boss a couple months ago told us not to answer any calls unless BR was out. Today, when that second phone call rang, Boss got frantic and said 'Would someone please answer that call!??!" There she goes again, changing her mind. First, she doesn't want HK or I answering the phone when BR is here and now she wants us to answer it.

Tuesday, 1-December-2009

Looks like we're going to be written up for a few things based on the auditors comment. If that's true, then Boss is probably going to rip us a new one. Of course, it's not her fault even though this is her freaking business.

1) So I just received a copy of the 'Exit Conference' from the auditor. It identifies some of the things that the auditor found that we were missing. Some of the things we did have, but there was some miscommunication on my part for not asking BR. What's a little more disappointing is that, the Auditor had the exit meeting with Boss and she should have known that a few of the items we did in fact have (this basically means she had no idea.)

Monday, 30-November-2009

Today the FNIC auditor arrived from CO.

1) So the auditor at 855am gives me a list of clients to pull. It is about 27-28 files. I was told prior to the audit, not to give every client folder to the auditor and only the specific files requested. At 920am, Boss comes to me and says have we given the auditor all the files requested. I tell her, "No, and I'm still working on it and have only given him half." She immediately looks at her watch and says well, we need to hurry up and give him stuff so he can finish today. I told Boss I was going as fast as I could and I wanted to make sure I was giving him the correct files. She walked out of the office and said, lets just hurry up and give him what he needs. NOTE: What she fails to realize, I had to pull files throughout the day for Ron, the auditor. In total, I easily pulled 50 different manila folders which were 50% client files and 50% rep files.

Friday, 25-November-2009

Had the day off, because Boss (pretty much) forced me to have the day off.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wednesday, 25-November-2009

1) So I was just notified I cannot use any vacation days in December (because according to Boss, we're too busy.) She mentioned that she wants to just pay it out rather then give me the time off next year.

2) HK somehow downloaded a virus on her computer. When we told Boss that HK's computer is down and that D.Prince who is an outside technician guy is coming in, she said, "well, what did HK click that was different?" Note: Clear evidence she has no clue.

Tuesday, 24-November-2009

1) We had a company retreat meeting today. All we did was basically identify items that we've said before (ie. phones need to be updated, need to be making better use of technology, work on communication, etc.)

2) Boss told me I need to use my vacation up by year end and that I should take off this Friday. I thought this was unfair, because back in August she told me that I could carry forward my vacation into next year since she did not want us working in November or December (because we're 'too busy'.) Note: Just for the record, November has been very slow so far.

3) Boss tore me up on client K.Nye's summary due to mistakes. Although she gave me the disclaimer that these were not my fault, she probably did not need to be talking in the tone that she was. Note: these 'mistakes' on the statement have been there since 12/07. So she's seen at least 8 summaries (ie. 4 (1 summary per quarter in a calendar year) x 2 years = 8) and now she has discovered a mistake. So what was she looking at the last 2 years?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thursday, 19-November-2009

1) Boss was in Bremerton from 7:30-12:30. She was in the office from 12:30-1:30 eating some leftover chips in the kitchen and some paperwork. 1:30-3:00 she went to check on her blinds at home.

2) Boss just told client A.Hansen that inflation was at 2.35%. The last time we were at 2.35% was in October 2008 according to

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wednesday, 18-November-2009

1) So first thing this morning, HK and BR ask me if D.Lloyd dropped off a 401(k) statement in the last 2 weeks. So I said "No", because I know that client and had he done it, I would have put it in his client folder. So Boss is basically blaming us for misplacing the statement. HK calls D.Lloyd up and he said he thought he had dropped it off, but maybe not.

2) Boss had a 12:00 appointment at Fircrest that she needed a ride to. At 11:22 am she said I had 10 minutes, because she was leaving. I just had a few summaries left to print for her meeting. At 11:24 am she comes into our office and puts her jacket on and says lets go. So I responded that she had said 10 minutes. Boss said we have to go and we cannot be late and kept acting impatient. She said "We need to leave now" at least 3 times. I eventually got the summaries together and we left for Fircrest. We left at 11:38 and arrived at 11:45. It took us 7 minutes.

3) Boss' boyfriend who drives her around somehow injured himself last week. She returned from a 12 o'clock meeting and complained that Costco had no grapes or big bag of chips (ie. she was purchasing them for tonights Workshop she's hosting.) The boyfriend had to stay in the car while Boss ran into Costco to buy the items herself. NOTE: I called Costco at 2:05 pm, spoke to Charles in deli/meats, and they have both grapes and chips.

4) Lawyer D.Lineberry needed copies of some death certificates. So Boss tells HK that D.Lineberry is coming between 5-6pm to pick them up. So HK asks should she give the death certificates to D.Lineberry and Boss says no, because HK will not be here. HK then asks if I should give the death certificates and Boss says no, because I possibly might not be here. HK then asks if Boss should have the death certificates, she raises her arms out of frustration and says I just want to get it done (HK said she turned bright red too.)!!! Then Boss said to just give it to me.

The end result was that I stayed until 5:05 pm. D.Lineberry was still not here and I managed to catch Boss walking out of her workshop in the conference room. I tried to give Boss the death certificates and she just said to put it on BR's desk so that she can remember to give it to D.Lineberry.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday, 18-November-2009

1) What's the difference between:

BE Summary as of 9/30/2009


BP Summary as of 9/30/2009

My boss called me in asking what the difference between the two were. The number of rows on each worksheet was significantly higher on one worksheet vs the other. The actual font size of the 'BE Summary..." was 26.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday, 16-November-2009

1) She asked me to GOOG a Charles Holmes in Reno, NV, because they are Cousin Herbs Cousin. Boss thinks they passed away, but how am I suppose to find this out? Charles Holmes is a very common name.

2) HK mentioned that she would talk to the Walters client about their amended trust, because their attorney didn't know what he was doingand then yesterday..Boss says "i never said that".

3) HK mentioned that she's having to explain a lot of things over and over from the beginning. For example, Boss forgot the whole novotney conversation...and didn't know that assets were supposed to go to his trust. She wanted to put it into their joint account.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Monday, 6-November-2009

Boss was in a good mood today. Nothing to report.
November 4 - 5 Boss on trip to Phoenix.

October 26 - November 3 Boss on trip to London.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday, 22-October-2009

1) Boss likes to sign, but does not like to enter dates. We have to take any form or paperwork she signs and insert the date for her.

2) Just got yelled at for not putting orders in before the close today. Boss is saying she told me to put 2 orders for client Langton before the close. First, she never told me. Second, I found it sitting on my desk after I got interrupted during my lunch. I was interrupted, because while I was eating at 12:48pm to process an order for client Shipman. It was then that I saw the client folder on my desk. Boss claims she told me to do it; however, based on the timing sequence it was impossible for her to tell me.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wednesday, 21-October-2009

1) Boss asked me to print history of American Funds Money Market Fund. I noticed we didn't have any literature, so I had to call them up. They did not have anything since the Fund is new as of 10-July-2009. So I told her, and she told me that she needed the totals for the client. I was a little upset, because she didn't give clear directions. Had she said she needed the client's history of the American Fund, it would have been a lot more clearer. So I printed the totals from DST Vision, walked into her office where she was with Walt N. She handed the papers back to me and said I need the transaction history, and this is the 3rd time I am asking for you. Now I was pissed off, because she was not very clear on what she was requesting from the beginning. She then talked down to me in front of the client.

2) She comes storming in during one of her client meetings asking me for Enhanded Death Benefit Values. I did not prepare the AAA Summary, so I was unaware of it. It took me 45 minutes to check online and call 4 different sponsoring families to get the numbers she wanted. I put them on a Word Document and handed to her. She looked at it and said that it was not in 'Schedule Form', so we'll have to mail them to the client. I'm a little surprised my efforts were wasted and the client did not receive what they wanted.

Tuesday, 20-October-2009

Boss returning from Reno tonight.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday, 19-October-2009

1) Boss is in Reno today and tomorrow. Nothing to report.

Friday, 16-October-2009

1) Boss is advising a client (ie. panga) to liquidate an UTMA account and have that transferred back to the client. HK called Franklin to let them know this. The representative that answered the phone had to forward it to a manager, because they didnt know how to process the request. When the Franklin Manager got on, they told HK, they in their past 7 years has never heard of a request and that there could be litigation since this would set off a lot of red flags.

Thursday, 15-October-2009

1) Doing summaries, so boss out of my hair again.

Wednesday, 14-October-2009

1) Boss out of office. Was able to get a ton of summaries done.

Tuesday, 13-October-2009

1) Summaries!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday, 12-October-2009

1) This weekend Boss invited JG and his wife to the Knights of Columbus Charity Auction. JG asks Boss if she's bidding on anything. Boss asks JG and he says that he's looking at the Mexico vacation package (one of the higher priced ones tagged with a retail value of $2,400.) Boss says she would never bid on that, because she has a friend there on the beach that she could stay with. So when it comes time to auction, JG bids first at 700 and Boss bids to 800. JG bids 900 and she bids 950, where JG bids $1,000 to win it. Comment: They were the only 2 bidders and I think it's just absolutely messed up that she bid on the auction when she knew JG wanted it. They were sitting at the same exact dinner table.

2) Today was BR's belated birthday lunch. We bought Rounders Pizza. Since we usually order the Mambo Jambo Pizza (ie. meat lovers pizza, etc) I thought it would be a great change to have a vegetarian pizza. When the pizza arrived and Boss was handing out the slices on the plates. Because she had no idea what slices she was handing out, I had to mention that 1/2 of the pizza was vegetarian. She snapped back and asked why in the world I would do that. I told her that a few of us wanted vegetarian, so she quietly backed off. She did complain that there was no cheese on the slices that she ate. Comment: there was cheese, she couldn't see it.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Friday, 10-October-2009

Boss said told HK today that staff is only allowed to take vacation during June, July, and August. This only came up, because HK reminded Boss that she was going to be on vacation in two weeks. Boss didn't recall this, even though it was 1) written in her appointment book months ago 2) it was written on this big calendar hanging on one of our walls in the office I share with HK 3) written on her notepad of daily activities to review 4) HK would not have booked this without prior confirmation from Boss.

Boss denied Estate paperwork for Tom and Walt N.

Thursday, 9-October-2009

1) Boss did not know what "Two Share" for estates meant.
2) Boss tried to do a 1035 exchange on $5,000. Comment: American Legacy flagged it saying that it needs to be at least $25,000.

Wednesday, 8-October-2009

Boss in Boise with JG for an audit.

Tuesday, 7-October-2009

1) As we pile up the summaries/folders to be sent out. Boss asked me to separate which ones where the AAA, AA, and Single A's. Comment: I find this ridiculous that I have to literally hand her everything. Each of the folders are color coded to determine which class they are suppose to be. She can't see!

Monday, 6-October-2009

Boss out most of the day in meetings. Nothing to report.

Friday, 3-October-2009

Boss running errands and was not at work most of the day. Nothing to report.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Thursday, 1-October-2009

1) Yesterday, Boss is planning a trip to Olympia, so she noticed a few clients that I recently added to the list. They were former RR BP's clients. One of the clients did not have a valid phone number based on the old AIF (Account Information Form.) RR BP's account also rolled over to Boss, so I had to complete an AIF for him. I took the initiative to call BP to get his information to complete his AIF and ask him if he had a valid phone number pertaining to the client. I was able to do finish both tasks and had a nice short conversation with BP. I went to Boss to give her the updated phone number to call the client and told her how I received it (ie. spoke to BP.) Immediately, she said shook her head and said I had no business talking to BP. That was her job and said she had to now call him to apologize to BP for having staff (ie. me) call them. Comment: If there is one thing that Boss doesn't admit to, it's giving credit where credit is due. It's nearly impossible to be proactive, because she will scold you or make some excuse for doing so. Here I thought I was doing the correct thing and she blasts me for getting information from the former RR. BP retired from FNIC over 4 months ago and gave me a hard time that I had no business contacting him. I've spoken to him before, so I'm not sure why this was an issue.

2) In continuation of what I wrote in the point above, Boss called the client (I overheard her side of the telephone dialogue.) Boss asked the client if they received our introductory letter back in June. (Client acknowledged that they received it.) Boss than proceeds to mention that she would love to speak to them the next time she's in Olympia. Boss mentions that we would send them a quarterly statement each quarter and asks where to send the summary/statement to. Boss writes down the address and hangs up the phone. Boss comes over to my desk and asks to send the statement to the address she wrote. Comment: I already had the address she wrote, because I had already called Jackson Life to see if there was an address change which was done in 11/07. The client had also confirmed that they had received the letter sent back in June.

3) Boss mentions that she hopes that the construction in front of our building finishes soon, so she can drive to work. She has admitted that she can't see the cones on the road blocking off the lane. Comment: Who will take any wagers that she will not pass her MVA/DMV Driver License renewal?

Wednesday, 30-September-2009

Today was a 401k meeting with WAH and this will probably be the most unbelievable number of flawed statements I'll ever here in a 2 hour window during my time at Financial Network. What you're about to read, is probably material that should be used for the TV Show 'The Office.' I wish I could say I was making this stuff up, but I didn't.

1) Yesterday, I had asked her if we should prepare the manila folders with handouts to be given out to each employee; however, she didn't want to. BR decided to take the initiative and put the folders together. As I'm setting up the tables, she wants to put together the hand outs. I told her they are already done and she told me that I should not have done that (eg actually BR did it.) She opens the folder and starts freaking out, because she said the tear sheets and prospectus that I put in there should not be in there (eg. she actually told me to order them for this 401k meeting specifically.) So as she's freaking out, Boss is literally taking each folder and throwing papers on the breakfast table where we have the donuts laying. I quickly grabbed the thrown papers and help prepare the folders with the enclosures that she wants. Comment: Had she taken 2 seconds to see the materials the day before, this probably could have been prevented. What is really odd, she totally dismissed the American Funds New World and Templeton Global Bond Fact Sheets & Prospectus that she asked me to order.

(Everything below this is what I found to be flawed statements during her presentation)
2) Boss highlighted that she was really big about picking fund managers. A WAH employee asked her how she did that and Boss replied that she looks at several things: longevity, management style, education, and her last criteria was performance (eg she even had to highlight that performance was the very last criteria that she looked for.) The employee who was not satisfied with Boss' answer, than asked her how she prevented overlapping styles of fund managers. Boss than starts to highlight the fact that the American Funds family has some of the best fund managers out there. Comment: Twice the WAH employee asked questions and her response didn't even come remotely close of answering the question.

3) Boss highlighted 'Cash Flow' as one of her main topics. Unfortunately she didn't explain what 'Cash Flow' means. She assumed everyone knew what it is.

4) When it came to presenting the RS Investments Powerpoint Slideshow, she could not read the screen since the lights were out. She tried to cover it up by telling the audience that she just recently got a shot in her eyes and asked that JG read (all) the slides for her.

5) WAH employee asked Boss (pertaining to one of the slides), what caused the tech stocks to go up so much. Boss replied that everyone bought them causing them to go up so much.

6) Boss said dollar cost averaging is a great way to invest. Historically there are only 2 really down days in any given month. Comment: 2 employees just looked at each other after she said that in any given month, there is really only 2 down days.

7) Boss tried to explain that historical events that repeat themselves have less of an impact on the stock market, because they've occurred in some fashion before. Boss mentioned that if a terrorist event much like 9/11 occurred, that the markets would quickly recover. She tried to spell out other events in history such as Kennedy's Assassination and Nixon's resignation; Kennedy's Assassination = market took a major hit and Nixon's resignation = market recovered very quickly. These were terrible examples to bring up, because both of these examples didn't make any sense in reference to her main point.


Tuesday, 29-September-2009

Nothing to report today.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Monday, 28-September-2009

1) Boss was in a really good mood today.
2) Back to square one on the reports she wants. We started with doing Morningstar Snapshots, stopped, and now we're back at them.

Friday, 25-September-2009

1) Boss needs to know what a business plan is. JG and I have to redo the business plan pertaining to us.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thursday, 24-September-2009

1) Boss has a telephone conference at 11am today. It's 11:07 and fellow colleague BR already told her she had an appointment today (like 2-3 times.) BR has also for the last 9 months I've been here reminding her of her telephone conferences. Minutes ago, Boss told us BR should not be reminding her of telephone conferences and that either HK or I should be. Comment: Boss was already reminded twice of todays meeting, how many more times does she need to be reminded? In her way to blame someone, she transitioned the job to HK or I to remind her. What's the next step, put a pencil or pen in her hands before she's about to write?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wednesday, 23-September-2009

1) Employee JG had to assist client CB on his alarm systems. CB has been complaining that his house has been broken in on unforced entry. Comment: We define the 'Full-Service' Advisory Firm. This is very ridiculous that we are getting involved in non-financial issues.

She was in a good mood.

Tuesday, 22-September-2009

Nothing to report today.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday, 21-September-2009

1) "I'm not impressed" is what Boss said today in HK and my efforts to remove the unassigned accounts from 188 down to 65.

Friday, 18-September-2009

Vacation Day.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thursday, 17-September-2009

1) I just got lectured that we need to be more efficient at work. Yesterday, Boss came in and asked me for 2 CUSIPs. Well, apparently, she wanted the Ticker Symbol for the 2 funds. She than gave me this look and asked what's a CUSIP. Comment: How can she ask me what a CUSIP is? That's what she asked me to pull off!

2) We have some really outdated phones at work. One of the phone features we commonly use is the Speaker Function. Well, since our phones are old they do not work the way she wants them to. The phones we currently have an outgoing speaker only. So in order for us to respond, we have to pick up the phone receiver and talk back. Unfortunately, she doesn't understand that. She thinks it works perfectly fine and that we do not have to pick up the speaker function.

3) Fellow employee BR just asked me if Boss had told me to do the CE Firm Element. I responded, Yes. BR told me that Boss had said I did that behind her back. My boss did not want to pay the $50 fee for the continuing education. A couple months ago, she told me NOT to do the CE, because when I passed the Series 66 it was before the annoucement from Corporate that the CE Firm Element was due by September 15(for written) or September 30(for online.) Believe me, I did not want to spend 5 hours of my time doing this continuing education. So 1 month ago, Compliance sends BR a list of RR's that need to take it. I was on the updated list and Boss came in and told me to hurry up and finish it. Well, apparently she forgot, because now she thinks she told me not to do it and I did it behind her back. Comment: Alzheimers. Enough said.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wednesday, 16-September-2009

1) So I drove client JP to and from work today, so she would not have to take a cab. Her vision is not very good, so she usually takes a taxi. Boss volunteered me last time, I was volunteered to drive her today; however, I volunteered myself to pick her up. As we were leaving today, Boss said, "Is your chauffeur ready?" Client JP looked at Boss and said, "you mean friend?" Boss said,"No, chauffeur." Client JP just looked at Boss with that 'be nice' look. Comment: I think what's kind of messed up is that I was volunteered to drive client JP home. I actually did not even have a choice.

2) Client JP came in today to sign up for i4life. Boss came in and asked me to get the paperwork. Although, I have some working knowledge where to get it (ie. website, etc.) I had to look for it. Boss got really impatient, because I did not have it for her readily available. Comment: Boss had said a long time ago, she did not want me to do the paperwork! That was all suppose to be for HK.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday, 15-September-2009

1) So client CB keeps coming back, because he thinks that someone is breaking into his house with unforced entry and stealing his American Funds statements. So Boss suggested that he open up a Post Office Box and that's exactly what he did. Unfortunately, today, she asked me to have him sign half a dozen AIF's and Change of Address Forms. I did not know what these Change of Address Forms were, because my partner usually takes care of them and even if there were a change we telephone the call in.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday, 14-September-2009

Today was our quarterly meeting. I didn't think I was going to document anything, but I am.

1) Before we listened to the wholesalers, Boss had some topics to discuss. So as she was leaving the podium to get one of the wholesalers, I raised my hand. She said, "Yes?" I asked her should we go over the Compliance and Operation Issues to discuss. She gave me a very mean/frustrated look and said, "We will do that later." RR TG just patted me on the shoulder and said I guess we could have done that now. I think she thought the same thing that there was no reason for Boss to give me a snappy response.

2) Boss when talking to the RR's today was suggesting that they should have a buy/sell agreement as a contingency plan in place if something were to happen to them. Boss suggested 6+ times that she could be the beneficiary of the agreement. Even RR BR asked Boss if it was okay if RR DR could be on each other's buy/sell agreement, but Boss said it wouldn't make sense to have a Seattle RR assist clients in Marysville and vice versa. Comment: What's funny about this is she's suggesting herself, but Tacoma is farther than Marysville and Seattle put together!

Friday, 11-September-2009

Nothing to report today.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursday, 10-September-2009

1) Either they are my Boss' Brother-In-Law or Sister-In-Law client, but they transferred their money to the Royal Bank of Canada. Boss blamed HK she was the reason why they left (ie. bad service, did not follow up, etc.) Comment: One really has to do a very bad job to have a family member transfer their account with no communication.

2) Boss changes how the summary statement should look. She does not want footnotes reflecting RMD's. Apparently the client meeting she had Wednesday, the client had made the suggestion to hold the RMD's in 2009 (ie. due to Congress bill) and the client had already taken the distribution. Comment: It will most likely change again as each summary should be modified on a case by case basis. This is why it makes the statement very difficult to produce, because it's inconsistent.

3) We are cleaning up Unassigned Accounts in the Books & Records section of ING SmartWorks. Since we are missing AIF (Account Information Forms), Boss wants us to send out an AIF for the client to sign with missing fields and include a separate letter stating what fields need updating. I tried to tell Boss that this is very confusing, because the client may fill out the AIF application and not know that they are suppose to write and return the letter. Comment: I'm really surprised Boss wants the client to sign a form with missing fields and the intent is that when they return the AIF, we doctor the form after they sign it.

Wednesday, 9-September-2009

I noticed Boss is no longer driving to work any more. It's been 2 straight weeks that I have not see her car outside.

Tuesday, 8-September-2009

Asked for a raise since I passed the Series 7 & 66 and she said I would receive it in the beginning of next quarter.

Monday, 7-September-2009

Labor Day is today. I have the day off.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Friday, 4-September-2009

Boss was at ocean shores today.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Thursday, 3-September-2009

1) Boss worked a 1/2 day, since she was leaving for Ocean Shores. She was really upset today with me regarding the Novot clients. I asked her yesterday if I needed to reproduce another Summary, since they were in last week and received one. Apparently, she wanted to me to reprint the same exact summary that was given to them last week.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Wednesday, 2-September-09

Nothing to report.

Tuesday, 1-September-09

1) I got chewed out today by the Boss. There has been this function that I've been doing in the Smartworks program called 'Unassigned Accounts'. This was work that I brought onto myself, because logically it looked like it needed to be done. Last Friday, fellow employee Deb forwarded an email response to Boss. This email was a confirmation on a request I asked the Data Services Team to purge a record/client that was not my Boss'. Usually, employee BR gives it to me, and I discard the confirmation. This time, I had to explain to Boss what this email confirmation was for. Almost immediately, she started freaking out. She asked why I was not on top of this and why I had not completed it.

Just to give you a little history, 3 months ago she told me not to assign 'unassigned accounts'. She did this, because the reason why she didn't 'assign' them, was because she wanted to assign the 'unassigned accounts' to another broker. I tried to defend myself and tell her this is exactly what she said 3 months ago, but she said she never said that (HK is my witness though.) Well, anyway, it's high priority now.

2) HK told me today that Boss denied something that she wrote, saying that she never wrote it. Comment: It was in pencil, on one of her yellow pads of paper, and the handwriting was clearly heres. Who else could it have been?

Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday, 31-August-2009

Nothing to report today.

Friday, 28-August-2009

Day off.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thursday, 27-August-2009

Fairly quiet day, because Boss was out first half of the day. HK called in sick this morning, so the minute I walk in Boss is asking for things for her appointment. She just assumed i knew what was needed demanding the paperwork. I quickly had to get the paperwork to switch the UGMA to an Individual Account. The client making the switch is actually in his mid-30s. Little late to be making the switch?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wednesday, 26-August-2009

1) One of the main products Boss is pushing is the American Legacy i4Life Rider. What this rider specifically does, is that it guarantees monthly income to the client that meets the requirements. The rider works like this, the client has to qualify (ie. ages 50+, 60+, etc.), you deposit money into the variable annuity, and American Legacy immediately sends you monthly checks. The monthly checks are applied against the principal first. When the principal approaches zero, the client is still made monthly checks until they pass away (ie. client wins overall: sum of monthly checks > deposit). If the client passes away, the monthly checks cease (ie. insurance company wins: sum of monthly checks < deposit.) This product guarantees income if one is fortunate enough to outlive the policey.

Client DW called the other day complaining that he received his 1st payment and it reduced his principal. So Boss didn't know why and called up Wholesaler RB at American Legacy. I overheard Boss on the phone and she did not understand how the whole mechanics of the rider worked. Comment: This is a major problem, because she put a lot of clients in this rider the last few months. HK had tried to explain this rider to her months ago and Boss did not listen. HK didn't have a responsibility to tell her, because it's the financial advisors' job to understand the product. So all in all, Boss sold a product to a lot of her clients with little to no knowledge.

2) Boss asked us to repair some mistakes on the summaries we distribute to clients that were over 4 years ago. She verbally bashes us saying there are too many mistakes on these statements. Comment: These so-called mistakes were done by our predecessors. I think what makes the generation of summaries so difficult is that it's all manual. Also, each summary is on a case by case basis; hence, no consistency. To blame HK or I on something we didn't do is just wrong. And why these so-called mistakes weren't caught earlier in the prior years and all of the sudden they have become an issue is beyond me.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tuesday, 25-August-2009

Boss was in a bad mood today, because a client called and asked why we sent i4Life Paperwork when the client had a Roth Variable Annuity. So Boss yells at HK, because apparently, we do not solicit i4Life for non-Traditional Annuities. Comment: I don't see what the fuss is all about. If the Variable Annuity makes sense for the client, it should not matter if it's Traditional or Roth.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday, 24-August-2009

1) RR NC inherited a client from RR JS in WA that needed assistance, because her husband passed away. At the time, when she called 1 month ago, I took the message and talked to Boss, because RR NC had told the client to contact us, because he was never registered in WA. I specifically asked should we contact the client and even suggested that we possibly change the agent assigned to the account. She said that when NC is registered, he can contact them. I faxed a message to RR NC to have them contact the client once he was registered.

It was later found out that NC doesn't even have his Series 63, 65, or 66.

The client called last week wondering why she hasn't received a phone call. Boss told HK to contact RR NC to have them talk to the client. HK even suggested that isn't that illegal that RR NC to contact the client since he was unregistered. Boss said, "No, it's not." Comment: I think Boss is wrong like 60-70% of the time. It just amazes me how she seems to make up her own rules along the way.

2) HK told me today that BR received last week a survey from an employment agency for airport security regarding an employee that use to work here. Boss filled out the survey very negatively and gave all bad remarks regarding the former employee. It turns out that the same employee actually helped discover another employee that was stealing $80k from Boss. Comment: Talk about sabotaging someone's career.

Vacation for me 17-August-2009 to 21-August-2009

Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009.

I had to give a demonstration of the Garmin GPS that Boss had bought for her bf, BC. I think I spoke a little too fast, because BC was having a hard time following. I didn't realize until after 1 hour, he had never seen these GPS' function. So I opted that we went on a test drive, too. We go on a small test drive (ie. to/from the office/home). As we are coming back to the office, we park, and Boss comes running out. I dont think she liked the idea that I went on a test run with BC. That was about it today. Today was relatively quiet. I had to print a list of T.Rowe Price and Vanguard at 129%. That actually took longer than I thought to bloom them up so Boss could see.

Thursday, August 13, 2009.

I only worked 1/2 day today, because I had to sit in for the Series 66 exam (which I passed with a 73.) I swung by Burger King for lunch and had the HOTTEST whopper ever. This thing must have come directly off the grill. If I had burnt myself, maybe I could have sued for the fact that the whopper was too hot. So I get to work at 1330 and JG and Boss are pulling in. They ask for the results and Boss gives me her sarcastic tone on how I passed with just a 73.

I didn't see her much that day, since she was busy with HK and catching up on her own work; hence, nothing to report.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009.
1) We're not allowed to answer the phones anymore even if BR is on the phone with someone. Before we were told that if the phone rang 3x, someone had to pick it up.
2) So I'm trying to clean up the SEC B&R Alerts. There are a lot of clients that have missing AIF's, so I'm trying to clean it up. I've been putting together letters and having HK sign them. Well, today, HK forwarded all my letters to have Boss add some notes. Boss than comes back and asks why are we doing this? It is important that we contact the client over the phone and get the mandatory information on the AIF. Comment: Funny how things change. Almost all of the KOA accounts I had already sent out letters and AIF's to be updated. Now all of the sudden we have to call. If we can't get ahold of them, than Boss will call them directly.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009.

I witnessed only second hand half of what I'm about to say. It made me both disgusted and very sad, on what HK told me. So today Client FS walks in and wants to close his account, because he needs the money. HK retrieves Boss, because she needs to be aware of everyone closing their account (ie. talk them out of it, etc.) When Boss came out, she didn't shake Client FS hand, like she normally does to every one of her other clients. She told FS, that she was sad to hear that he was taking his money out (this is her generic response) and asked specifically why he was doing so. Client FS said he needed to take money out for his credit card bills. Boss than asked how much? FS said $20k. Boss begins to say that the national credit card average is $30k and that she would not be able to match the returns on the APR of the credit card. Client FS mentions that he has this state retirement (ie. 457 plan) and wanted to see if Boss could help him with that. Boss laughs and says why would you need help with that, so you can immediately transfer it out? She said we will not help you with that. Boss says a few other things and said if you ever have more money, come back and we can invest it. Comment: FS was of African-American decent or 'Colored People' as Boss has referred to them twice in my presence.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

1A) Boss is advising a client to transfer money from UTMA account to the gift giver. Comment: I have no idea why she's advising client PH to do this. Comment: Gifts are suppose to be irrevocable; hence, anything put into a UTMA is a gift. I hope the UTMA account holder does not come back to sue.
1B) My partner, HK, printed some stuff from the website and told the Boss the possible repercussions the minor could do down the road (ie. sue, etc.). Boss' response, "We don't care what the IRS says in this case." Comment: OMG.
2) In the meeting today, Boss continues to say that Compliance Department does not encourage correspondence to be handled in the form of e-mail. Comment: She's got it backwards, compliance DOES want representatives to perform correspondence via email. This way, it's easily traceable.
3) In the meeting today, Boss emphasized that the continuing education Firm Element needs to be done on personal time and not during work-time. Comment: I'm really shocked she even made an annoucement of this. The Firm Element is business related.
Friday, August 7, 2009

Boss was not present today, since she was out in Seattle with OSJ-B.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009.

Today was a crazy day. The information I'm about to write doesn't necessarily pertain to me, but it's something I witnessed firsthand. An OSJ from another region was visiting Boss from San Diego was pretty much at work all day today. The OSJ (aka OSJ-B) from San Diego was very shocked on how we handle things at work.

1) Today was HK's birthday breakfast celebration. So everyone met in the conference room except for JG and Boss (which they arrived later, due to a conference call.) So after about 15-20 minutes, both JG and Boss show up and Boss comes in and says that Financial Network is finally being partnered up with someone else. Boss blurts out some other news and the OSJ from San Diego has this puzzled look. Even though she did not sit in the conference call, it sounded like she was 'surprised' of the news that Boss had just said. OSJ-B had a few responses, because she was looking for clarification and possibly wanted to send emails out to her Regional Director or Representatives and Boss wasn't able to concrete news. Boss kept on saying it would happen within a week and possibly within 2 days. Comment: OSJ-B probably was obviously surprised on the news and was prying for details and Boss wasn't able to give them. Personally, I found Boss' recap a little confusing. We will see in 5 business days if anything materializes. Based on what I've seen in the last 8 months, Boss is just making stuff up.

2) So the OSJ-B is telling stories on how she runs her business. Boss hears this and tells HK, JG, and myself that OSJ-B does things 'differently' down in San Diego. According to Boss, they run business operations differently. So Boss says that OSJ-B receives most of her money from overrides on other reps while Boss maintains a book. OSJ-B responds and says that 50% of her Net Income/Pay is from overrides and the other 50% is from her own book. I heard her mention that revenue was on the lines of $2mm. So Boss gets defensive and tries to make an argument that Net Income/Pay is not a true evaluator and that Net Gross is a better indicator. Boss was arguing that the 50% from her book Gross was not 50% from the overrides. (I didn't want to get into the debate, but who in their right mind would make an argument on Gross. Net is what goes into the bank account!) So Boss was getting defensive and was saying that OSJ-B spent more time managing and that Boss couldn't do that management style, because Boss was seeing 4 clients per day. OSJ-B in return, got defensive and said she does spend a lot of her time managing her book. This went back and forth for a little bit. Comment: Boss was just trying to make herself feel better by trying to put OSJ-B down and saying that the reason she's probably doing better is because of the rep overrides she receives.

3) OSJ-B discussed how her clientelle was mostly on wrap fees. Boss defends her book and says that she can't bring herself to put clients in that fee structure, because it's hard to justify the value and doesn't feel that if she didn't do an adequate job, it's hard to justify the % of asset fee that is charged to the client on an annual basis. Comment: A lot of bosses clients are on variable annuities which carry an expense higher than 1% annually. Not sure how my Boss can make the argument she doesn't want her clients being charged a wrap fee annually, when they're practically paying that already in the form of an annuity.

4) OSJ-B asks Boss how is the network encrypted. Boss comes out and says she has no idea and not to ask her those things because she doesn't want to deal with anything else other than managing. Comment: Talk about pure laziness. If Boss doesn't want the responsibilities that come with managing, she shouldn't be doing it. I think EVERYONE would love to sit back and call themselves OSJ manager and do absolutely nothing.

5) So OSJ-B and JG went to buy some RAM for our computers today. JG used his credit card and would seek reimbursement. Boss finds out and nearly flips out. She was arguing that JG should not have put that on the credit card, because it would be a red flag if an auditor caught it. And she said she knows this, because of her experience with audits. Comments: um...i'm not even sure I need to explain this. Since when does a red flag arise if a business expense and business expense reimbursement is properly documented with receipts. I believe in my 10 year tenure of working, it's pretty common for people to fill out an expense report and be reimbursed respectively.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

1) HK made a mistake on a client trade and Boss should be reimbursing the client for the mistake which was about $6.8K. However, no action is happening.

2) Went to Elmer's with Boss and Jim today to listen to two people from DWS. Boss asked a few terrible questions where both the Wholesaler and the Money Manager had a very difficult time grasping what she was asking.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Tuesday, August 4, 2009.
I had to catch up on a lot of items today, seeing how I was out Monday. Boss had the doctor sign a note so that she could avoid jury duty. The doctor's note said that she has acuity vision of seeing only fingers in front of her and 20/80 vision in her left eye. Comment: Scary thought: she drives.

HK showed me a couple documents that Boss signed and she didn't even sign in the correct area.

Monday, August 3, 2009.

Today was Rep DU audit out in Yakima. After the audit, we went to get something to eat at the Powerhouse Grill. The portions were very generous and out of all the food we ordered, there was not enough table space in the booth we were sitting in. Boss ordered omelet and hash browns and it was huge. Due to the size, she asked that the server bring small plates so she could divide up what she could not eat. When she handed some hash browns to DU she knocked over the little saucer carrying his syrup. The worst part about her mistake, she did not realize that she did it.

I ended up driving home. We stopped at 2 fruit stands to buy some local produce. I had to catch her on the first stop, because she was picking fruit from an area that was clearly marked with several signs 'Please Do Not Pick' (the area was designated to buy the fruit in the basket as is.)

After the 2.5 hour drive home, I was dropped off at Costco, because Boss wanted to try and make Chapel at 4pm.
July 27-31

Did several audits, so that required traveling. I'll have to revise any notes at a later time.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009.

1) So Boss' only client meeting was with the DW family. After the meeting, Boss told HK to do a 1035 Exchange on two of the existing annuities into a new annuity with new money. HK quickly told her, she could not do that, b/c both the existing annuities were qualified. So she just ended up creating a new annuity. Comment: why a client needs 5 different variable annuities is beyond me.

2) When filling out the application, HK noticed that the i4life that Boss was trying to set up didn't add up. HK went back to Boss to ask her the correct allocation. Boss gave her some numbers and they still didn't add up to the proper allocation of Bonds:Stocks. Comments: Boss couldn't add. This isn't the first time she's done this.

Thursday, July 23, 2009.

1) So we went to two audits today: Rep DR and BR. So today I had an opportunity to ask her some questions since she's always on the go and it's very difficult to find time to talk to her. So while I'm driving, I ask her about the Compliance E-Mail she received on the 17-July-2009 regarding that we have to send all incoming/outgoing correspondence items. So she asked me what do we have to send, and I told her that we need to basically send EVERYTHING (ie. statements, client notes, etc.) She got very upset in the car, because she said I should have asked someone in-house (eg. her) before I called Compliance. She was disputing that we do not need to send statements, because she argued that she did not have to do this and was told back in 1995. Comment: This is probably the main reason why I want to leave. If she wants me to help drive the Compliance Issues, how can I do my job if she's behaving on her own set of rules? One cannot evaluate on a case by case basis of what needs to be sent to Compliance. And what does Boss have to hide? What's the big deal on the documenation being sent to Compliance?

2) During the car she asked me if I printed the U-4's for the two reps. I told her that she didn't tell me specifically that they were needed for the audit. She says she told me (but, she didn't) and told me I had to figure out a way to get them. So we called the office and I spoke to HK to instruct her to send them to each of the reps. Boss told me to send both U-4's to rep DR. I asked her if that was okay, since we're sending a different U-4 to a different rep. She said it was fine. Comment: Well for starters, her instructions to me was very poor regarding having the U-4 in the file. And secondly, aren't there privacy issues about sending one's U-4 to another rep?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

We ordered the GPS on for her, so she'll be set when it arrives. Lets hope she can see to enter in directions on the GPS.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Future Registered Representative (RR) JG, Boss, and I drove out to Sequim to do RR AD's 2009 Audit. What bothers me about the Boss, she prejudges a lot. During our first drive out to Northgate for KN's 2009 audit, she saw me pull out my Garmin GPS, because we had Mapquest and said we did not need the device (ie. GPS) that I was holding. So on this trip, I pulled it out to use. Because it was a 1 hour 45 minute drive to Sequim, I wanted to use the GPS as a gauge to figure out both distance and time until we reached our final destination. As I was setting it up, Boss immediately said we don't need to use the 'toy'. I told her it would be helpful, and JG reaffirmed that it would be nice to have two sources and that Mapquest could be used as a backup. Although, Boss didn't want to use it, she finally agreed since we had practically already set it up to use. Within 5 minutes, after the GPS verbally gave instructions, Boss asked what is this? (This whole time, she had no idea what it was.) So I explained what the GPS device was. Needless to say, Boss did a 180 degree turn and you could hear the excitement in her voice that she wanted one. For the next 5 hours, I think I heard her say she wanted one and couldn't wait to get it at least 3 dozen times.

Monday, July 20, 2009.

Nothing to report. Everything was fine and she was busy.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009.

Nothing to note Friday other than she was in a good mood. She bought us burgers for lunch and let us out early; however, I stayed an extra 1.5 hours, because there is just too many statements to be completed by my deadline Monday.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

1) On Wednesday, Client AH called when Boss was in a meeting and had a complaint that she thought that her $500k variable annuity was guaranteed when it has lost a couple hundred thousand. HK took the message and wrote it on the board. The next day Boss was upset that HK should have either interrupted her clients meeting or told me to tell her before I left. Comment: Per our in-house procedures, HK wrote it on the board. Boss probably did not read the board nor did she really have an intention to call her back. AH has been calling for 2 weeks and Boss has not called her back (ie. one of the weeks was because Boss was on vacation.)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009.

She's back from being gone 5 business days, so it's to no surprise that I'll have a bunch of items to add.

1) HK wrote out some balances for her regarding a client statement. Boss could not see them. So HK wrote it bigger (ie. numbers the size of double spacing) and Boss could still not read it, because HK wrote a 7 and Boss asked why she wrote a 1.

2) JR of BE came with his wife for a quarterly meeting. Boss was giving her pitch about American Funds New World Fund and said that they needed it in their portfolio. JR corrected her and said it is in the portfolio. Boss responded that they must have did this in the last quarterly meeting. Unfortunately, they've had the fund since October 2008. Comment: She should have reviewed the portfolio prior to the meeting, but she probably couldn't see it.

3) Boss was reviewing each of the funds and wasn't reading the funds correctly, so the client assisted and read off the names of each fund on their statement.

4) Boss comes to HK during a meeting to ask her to research some Dreyfus documents that client EW & Son brought. HK researches it and realizes it's just a notice regarding automatic deposits/withdrawals, dividend re-investment, etc. HK goes into the meeting and tells Boss what it is. Boss overreacted in her voice tone and told HK that is not what she asked for. She asked for HK to see if there were any transfers in front of the clients. Comment: this might have been a coverup in front of the client to save Boss embarassment from not being able to see.

5) Boss gives HK some paperwork to process. It's an EW American Legacy allocation. HK tells Boss that the policy is not set up and that they are waiting for the check to fund the policy. Boss scolds HK for not reading the client notes and that HK should have communicated that the notes to Boss prior to the meeting. Comment: HK and I rarely prep for a client meeting, because either Boss is to busy or there is really nothing outstanding/pending. Another thing to mention regarding inconsistency is that Boss' second allocation was different than the original allocation two months ago. Even if the paperwork was processed two months ago, has the clients objective changed that much to merit a re-allocation?

Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

She called in for messages and here is went on:

1A) DS answered the phone and read her some of the messages on the board. Immediately after the last message on the board was read, Boss asked to be transferred to Helen and to 'make it quick'. Comment: Boss did not want to stay on the 1-800 number long due to costs.

1B) HK talked to her asking a few questions. HK had overheard DS/Boss talking and DS reading off messages, so HK was trying to explain one of the messages. Boss told HK that DS never read any messages and to not challenge her. HK had asked Boss what to do in terms of a signed Franklin application that KN needed signed. Boss told her that she didn't to sign and to send it in.

1C) VG client called today asking why a transaction was done. HK responded and said that per the meeting with Boss, this what was discussed. VG responded, "I don't recall talking about this. I thought mutual funds were to be held long-term and not traded. But okay."

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Boss on company conference from Wednesday, July 8, 2009 to Sunday, July 12, 2009 and a couple vacation days in San Francisco, CA. She returns Wednesday, July 15, 2009.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009.

1) BR had to run to the Post Office, because she got blamed for not packing 25 business cards. Comment: Why doesn't Boss carry any business cards? Who is ultimately responsible in packing the business cards?

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

1) We did not know this, but HK or I are suppose to write down exactly what is on her White Board after each meetings. Comment: She can't recall what she's writing? It's very possible she would deny that she wrote something too.
2) Client BS wanted to do a 401k rollover. When HK went to process the paperwork, she noticed there was no 401k statement. HK asked Boss if the client provided an estimation, and Boss said he never said. HK calls client and he says he told Boss several times it was $30k.
3) Boss told HK to do some asset reallocations. The number total was 90% when it should have been 100%.
4) Boss says it's a case by case situation when notarizations are required. Sometimes Boss can do notarizations with the client present and sometimes Boss can do notarizations without the client present. Comments: I believe the law requires both parties to be present for notary services.

Monday, July 6, 2009

1) Per the client statements we prepare, we were originally told to put the date the funds or assets acquired on the consolidated statement (we prepare) when FNIC took over. She now changed her mind based on Ross/Walters to put the cost basis of the fund or asset. We had originally told her this months ago, but she did not want it. Comment: This is a huge flaw, because around tax season in April, many clients were calling for cost basis on assets sold which HK and I had to allocate time to research.
2) Researched 8 Variable Annuity Transfer errors that I did. We executed them today as of 6-July-2009.

Friday, July 03, 2009

Friday, July 2, 2009

1) Boss wanted HK to do some reallocation changes, but the changes she wanted to make were not even within the same annuity. I suppose if you have one client that has 3+ different annuities, it's hard to get them confused.
2) Boss did not know what 'F' shares were for mutual funds. HK to research.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Boss was busy with meetings all day and everything went fine.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

1) Rep KN came in to have some 401k paperwork completed, because her clients are going on vacation. HK gave the AIF to Boss to sign and Boss almost signed over where KN was suppose to sign. HK pointed her finger and held it there so Boss could not see.
2) Rep KN noticed Boss was using the sunlight to read a document. KN even made a comment about being able to do this business working from a wheelchair, but to not see, there's no way she could do this business. KN also made an analogy with her mom having Lasik.
3) Boss changed her mind about doing the statement for the WAH individual from yesterday.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

1) Boss questioned a quarter end statement that I produced and wonder why it was only 1 page. I told her that's how it always been done. She seemed to doubt it, so I showed her the history, and the last time it was detailed was 09/30/2006.
2) HK researched 401k for WAH today with American Funds. HK went back to Boss with recommendations, and Boss wanted HK put together a business letter telling WAH the fees and options available what to do. Comment: Boss has no idea about the details of the 401k.

Monday, June 29, 2009

1) Boss tried to make the argument that "Companies keep records of stockholders even if stocks are in street name."
2) Had to read K.Nilsson letter to Boss, because she couldn't see it.

Monday, June 15, 2009

1) Boss argued with my partner that Publicly Traded Companies keep track of shareholders even though the stock certificates are in the Broker/Dealer name. (The client does not have any documentation of stocks held in a brokerage account, the client has not kept any record of statements for the last 17 years, and the exact broker/dealer is unknown.
2a) On 8-June-2009 a potential client called twice last week. I was told to research the folder (since my partner was on out vacation.) Because I was unsure of the paper trail, I called the potential cleint's broker/dealer operations to get caught up on the paperwork. I went back to tell my boss details on where we stood with the potential client and mentioned that I had spoken to his broker/dealer. She told me 3 times that we never call the broker/dealer or anyone where there account is being held, because incompetency is the result and word would get back to the potential client forcing them to not transfer their assets to us. I mentioned to my boss that the client had contacted his broker/dealer on paperwork we had sent.
2b) Client acknowledged today they would not transfer the account, but they were happy with the work effort we had demonstrated.