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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Friday, 19-February-2010

Well, another busy day. Boss is freaking out, because she has not dropped a large ticket in February to be above pace to qualify for the VIP award come year end (eg. 500k in commissions per year.) I'm not sure boss likes the new girl, JG. Boss asked me twice today how is JG working out. I responded, 'okay'. Boss then told me she has two new resumes of people having both their licenses (ie. 7/66). That would insinuate we have contingency plans if I do not want JG working? Just goes to show that Boss made another 'rush' decision to hire JG. I like JG, I think she'll make a good replacement. Based on what she did before, this is downgrade. The real question is will she stay long-term.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday, 18-Feb-2010

Well, I haven't given any updates in awhile, because I've been busy. My new co-worker is working out good. She's picking stuff up very fast. Here are some funny things that happened today:

1) Client Cameron came in today. Boss says her usual "So what can I do for you today?" Client says, "You tell me, you called me." Actually JG called Cameron to set up an appointment.

2) Boss comes into the operations room and sees JG using the typewriter. Boss kindly asks JG for him not to use the typewriter. Her idea was that it would mess up my partners or my workflow. We hardly use the typewriter, so she's just overreacting as usual.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Wednesday, 3-Feb-2010

1) Boss said I misinformed a client on handling cost basis. She basically told the client it was okay to use the 12/31/xx price of the year the heir died when calculating cost basis.

2) Boss wanted me to call up S&P Publication to request a periodical that was produced in 1991!

Monday, 1-Feb-2010

Boss is in Tuscon, AZ today and tomorrow.