First, I just want to say Happy Labor Day to those that have worked hard to deserve it. Unfortunately, there are a lot of working Americans that aren't able to have the day off due to their status being part-time, or they have an erratic schedule, or maybe their employer doesn't recognize the day. Labor Day was created to celebrate the economic and social contributions of workers.
I've said this before, but we all live in a very extraordinary place on the timeline of mankind. A time when fiat currency is the prevailing choice of money, a time when deficits are exponentially amplified, and a time when "if something doesn't make sense it usually not true". Unfortunately, I wish it was not true, but the truth is we live in a society that people are rewarded for not having to work. In a lot of cases, it makes absolutely no sense to work to qualify for government entitlement programs. This country has lost its moral compass to distinguish what is right and what is wrong. As the USA continues to deteriorate, we will look back and be criticized on how economically or socially irresponsible we were.
As a working American to all working Americans, Happy Labor Day!
Onto the markets...
Markets look like they want to pull-in here as they use negative housing data, Geo-political Syria or the September FED Meeting to discuss tapering to add pressure to the markets. The market was temporarily saved when there was an announcement yesterday saying attacks would not begin until the UN (United Nations) Inspectors were safely evacuated Saturday. I believe the markets are using any and every headline news to lock in profits and buy on weakness. There is still a lot of time before the September FED meeting and I believe the FED will come to the rescue (as they have always been doing recently) with asset prices and make the announcement that they will NOT start tapering until later this year. And then later this year, they will say they will not start tapering until next year due to economic numbers being weak or ________________ (fill in blank). The bottom line is, the FED can't taper, because everyone will figure out how phony the economy we are living in really is. I don't see the Dow going below 14k, but that seems to be the short term floor for the market before I believe the Santa Claus rally will end the year.