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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The 2012 Election: Democrat versus Democrat

It's officially been a week since Paul Ryan's announcement of him being selected as the running mate and he seems to be a deer caught in the Democrats headlights for both his prior and past actions.  Today's announcement about Ryan bringing his mom into the Medicare debate is just outright preposterous.  So Paul Ryan being the multi-millionaire that he is he would rather have the U.S. taxpayer pay for his moms healthcare (i.e. Medicare) than himself.  Just by that alone, someone please tell me how he's any different from Obama?  Ryan, the supposed Conservative, wants less government spending, less so-called handouts to those reaping the benefits of government entitlements, and he is debating on how Medicare is good for mom who needs to play tennis?  If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was a Democrat in Republican Sheepskin.

The 2012 election is turning into a battle for Medicare.  The reason why this is dangerous for the Republicans is because they cannot win this battle.  The Republicans should be cutting Medicare expenses immediately (i.e. 2013) and disclosing to the U.S. Citizen how this plan was never good from the get-go and that it's just a matter of time (i.e. < 5 years?) before the system implodes itself.  But No, the Republicans fear the full disclosure, because that means less votes for them, especially for those who are using Medicare.  The 2012 election should be about saving the U.S. Economy and beginning the road to recovery.  Maybe Ryan and Paul really have no idea how difficult it is out there for most Americans, much like most pro athletes are oblivious how difficult it is out there financially for the common folk.

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