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Friday, September 14, 2012

QE I mean QE~

The Fed officially put what might be the last nail in the coffin in sealing the US Dollar's fate by allowing itself to continuously print money until the economy gets back into satisfactory or compelling economic feasible levels.  The part I do not understand is how they're doing it.  They are again supporting and inflating the housing market by buying mortgage back securities in the hopes that US Citizens will be more wealthier on paper with their real estate assets and in turn take the equity they have in their homes and spend it in the market.  With the anticipation of appreciating real estate prices, home builders and real estate investors will once again come into the market buying up whatever they can.  Really?  Did we not learn anything in history on the latest housing bubble just 5 years ago?  That's very well a reason why history continues to repeat itself, since we keep making the same mistakes over and over.  Throwing good money at bad is never a good thing.

So if you're a homeowner and want to stay in your home, you'll be able to refinance that 30 year mortgage at historical low prices until you retire (or if you are retired, until you depart this life.)

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