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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thursday, 22-July-10

Last night an accountant left a voice message regarding cost basis on the phone and mentioned BR's note. So Boss asks me if I know anything about it, I do not, and then Boss tells me to call the accountant up. I call and the accountant explains that it's regarding an email that was sent back in May 2010. BR had put her name responding to the accountants email. So I tell Boss and she starts going ballistic (ie. pointing finger at me, saying "NEVER EVER EVER", etc.) Apparently, anything regarding securities, BR is not aloud to respond.

Here's what happened in May. BR relayed the email to Boss. Boss tells me to follow up. I tell BR what to write in the email. We make a copy for the file, end of story. If Boss actually knew how to use her email, this could have been prevented.

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