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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tuesday, 29-December-2009

1) She seems to do this often, but she forgets that when it comes to 401k paperwork that the carrying firm has their own proprietary rollover paperwork to do it.

2) She made this comment last week (my coworker, HK, just reminded me) that her family never fights or has any quarrels (NOTE: We found this hard to believe when she said this.) However, when asking JG if he had a chance to meet any of her blood-related family members at her wedding, he said that he only saw her daughter, the medical assistant. Apparently there was an issue with her son. The son's ex-wife was at our Christmas dinner.

Monday, 28-December-2009

Nothing to report. She was fairly busy with her own paperwork. She got married on Saturday, so all the work she procrastinated last week caught up.

Friday, 25-December-2009

Celebrating Christmas.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Thursday, 24-December-2009

1) Lawyer, Tony, who shares the building with us, gave us Starbucks gifts on Wednesday. During lunch, HK asked if Boss knew that Tony gave the staff gifts. Boss just shook her head. Today, Boss asked BR if Tony gave the staff gifts. NOTE: Apparently, she forgot within 24 hours.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wednesday, 23-December-2009

1) Well, more evidence she gets her annuity riders mixed up. I was trying to update her Winter Workshops flyer and she wanted me to add another bullet point under the Annuity workshop in 10-February-2010. So I threw out 'Guaranteed Income' and she immediately responded that it's not guaranteed past 85 years of age. WRONG. American Legacy does have a rider that does guarantee income for life, but there are stipulations. HK actually had to squeeze that comment, because I'm not as familiar with the American Legacy Products (eg. riders.) Eventually, we came into agreement to put Income4Life.

2) Apparently now, we have to put a sticky post-it note on the folders with directions to 'SEE SIGNATURE FOLDER'. Apparently, it is not enough that there is a Signature folder alone for Boss to see. The Signature Folder contains documents that need the clients signature (ie. AIF, Applications, etc.) I would honestly have to think that just having a Signature Folder alone in the group of folders (which by the way we put in the very front) is enough to merit that a Signature is needed.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tuesday, 22-December-2009

1A) Client Kieko & JL were scheduled to have an appointment here today at 930. So Boss comes in and asks HK why she scheduled them for 930, because they never ever get out of bed until late morning and we always schedule them to have a meeting in afternoon. Boss said she doubted they show up. NOTE: They showed up on time.

1B) Unfortunately, the clients had to wait 20 minutes, because American Legacy, Rich + wife made a surprise visit here since they were in the neighborhood. NOTE: Client shows up on-time and has to wait 20-25 minutes.

1C) Client KL didn't show up with JL, instead they brought her daughter and some other gentlemen. Prior to them showing up, I had only printed 1 summary. Because I did not want to waste 16 pages of paper and only have 1 person showing up. When I noticed that there were a total of 3 people, I quickly printed 2 other summary copies and waited for Boss to tell me how many copies she wanted. I did this, because I was not sure who the gentlemen was and did not want to assume he automatically receives a copy. Boss comes in and asks for one copy. I give her one copy. Two minutes later, she comes in asking for another copy and I hand her the final copy. She seemed frustrated on asking for the last copy, since I did not read her mind.

1D) At 1020, clients J/HW and two other friends showed up to speak to Boss real quick. Boss leaves her meeting KL and talks to the people that showed up on the fly. I thought this was horrible that Boss left a meeting to say hi to the people that showed up.

1E) HK just got out of the meeting and apparently KL prefers morning meetings, because she takes an afternoon nap. So apparently Boss has her facts backwards.

Monday, 21-December-2009

1) Boss apparently did not screw on her peanut butter glass jar tight enough. There is peanut oil all over the inside part of the cabinet from the leakage. Because she cannot see that well, she did not clean it up.

2) So yesterday, BR answers the phone yesterday from my station. She tells Boss and while BR is walking back into my office, Boss yells what line (is the client holding on?) So BR says, "Line 1" and then comes into my office and is like, "what do you mean 'what line'? There's only one person on hold." NOTE: The reason why she has to say 'what line' is because she cannot see the red blinking light that the client is on hold. So by us telling Boss the number, she's able to just touch and feel the number to push.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Friday, 18-December-2009

1) Boss got upset with HK regarding JL's account. The reason why she was upset was because a mutual fund purchase was made within JL's Pershing account and not Direct. JL had mutual fund purchases with Pershing, so HK or I would reasonably anticipate that future mutual fund purchases would be made within the Pershing Account. To take cash out of the Pershing and transferred to the Direct Fund Company takes both time and a Letter of Authorization. Boss said she did not know a LOA was required. NOTE: Boss has asked several times for an LOA on different accounts, so there is a lot of inconsistency.

2) Boss asked HK for a fourth time what she had for dinner the night before.

Thursday, 17-December-2009

Day went smoothly. Boss was out most of the day on a doctor's appointment. She originally said the doctor's appointment was for her finance, Bob, but she came back with her mouth swollen. She was using ice packs most of the day. Boss is planning for the wedding and we have our Christmas dinner tonight.

1) Boss asked 3 times what we were having for dinner all within a 1 hour time-span. She asked within 10 minutes in one of the cases.

2) We had to go around the around the table and tell us a new years resolution for next year. When it got to client JW, she gave a really long story before telling her resolution. Well, Boss wasn't really paying attention after the first few minutes. After JW was done speaking and giving her resolution, Boss just asked her again. NOTE: Boss basically has a 1 minute attention span.

Wednesday, 16-December-2009

Day went smoothly. I think boss is busy planning her wedding.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tuesday, 15-December-2009

1) Boss made JG run to Toys R' Us for the Zhu Zhu pet. Unfortunately, they ran out prior to him getting there. NOTE: What other personal errands is she going to ask him to do?

2) Boss blew up today when a 401k applicant at BE didn't have paperwork. She came in our office and told HK and I, "How could we drop they ball on this." The reality is, there is no paperwork and the 401k participant has to sign all their paperwork through payroll. Boss calmed down when she realized the applicant had no money.

3A) Boss is doing a 1035 exchange on 3 of her own annuities. HK asked her if she was going to purchase at NAV and Boss did not understand why she would do that. NOTE: She's doing that to save on commissions.

3B) Boss may want to process 1035 on herself to help boost up her revenue, so that she can be closer to VIP. NOTE: Considering revenue has been hurting as bad as it has, I doubt she's even close to the revenue goal to qualify.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday, 15-December-2009

1) Boss changed her mind about Safe Harbor contribution. Last week, Boss said she would match 6% and give at her discretion the 3% Safe Harbor contribution. Well, today she said she will not add the kicker bonus of the Safe Harbor contribution. So now it's either the Safe Harbor contribution or the 6% contribution. One could possibly contribute nothing and just be entitled to the 6%. Note: This is why it's important to have everything in writing. Boss changes her mind way too much.

2) Boss has gone very low on the radar about discussing her wedding dinner with anyone on Saturday, 26-December-2009. None of the staff except for BR and DS are suppose to know about it. Well, today, BR told HK and I that the clipboard RSVP is at her desk. Apparently, Boss put the RSVP number as our work number. Even though BR answers the phone all the time, I guess it never occurred to Boss that HK, JG, or I answer the phone. Things are a little weird, and I'm not really sure why she's not being a little more open about it. She didn't even tell us about the invitations she was creating last Friday and today I saw her sneak some invitations in to be used on the cutting slicer. She quickly cut some invitations and then ran out of the room.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday, 11-December-2009

1) So Boss is taking a headcount for lunch. She's purchasing burgers from her favorite burger joint. She was looking for JG to see if he wanted a burger, but he had stepped out of the office to drop off KN's, our RR, package at the Post Office to have it overnighted. Well, Boss, gets upset because he was not here. NOTE: She was also probably upset that JG used her time (that she's paying him) to deliver something helping KN's business.

Thursday, 10-December-2009

1) So we had a meeting today in response to what is going to happen to the 401k program here. The policy for the 2010 401k program is in-line with most other companies that I worked with. It will be a .50 cent match dollar for dollar up to 6% of gross salary. I think that's very fair, and that's probably how the 401k program should have been all this time. There are some additional rules though. The 401k plan calls for the employer to cap 50% of the gross salary in the first and last six months of the year. In other words, a contributor cannot stack the last few paychecks by year end to maximize the match. This is done to protect the employer matching.

HK needed an update on the 401k, because it was a determinant on whether she was going to quit on the spot or stay a little bit longer. HK was able to get a slightly increase in her match with the last two paychecks, and Boss had to make it a point in the meeting that "...its gonna kill the business if i do that contribute $625/period, but I will do it..." NOTE: If $625 or $1250 in total is going to kill the business, this business is in a lot of trouble. Plus, that was a very crappy thing to say, nothing should have been said at all.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Wednesday, 9-December-2009

1) So HK is not going to get the 401k match as promised from two weeks ago. So Boss yet again has changed her mind. Where does this end on her consistently changing her mind?

2) HK was talking to client TM in the lobby. That's what we're suppose to do when Boss' meetings overlap. So rather then have the client just sit in the lobby, we're suppose to 'entertain' them. So HK had to entertain client TM for about 15 minutes (ie 1056am to 1111am) and while the client is still talking, Boss just comes out and says (in a joking manner) "Hello, I'm Beverly McConaghy." That's her joke ice breaker, because todays client was her daughter-in-law. Anyway, she consistently is very rude when interupting conversations. She just barges in rather then wait for her turn to speak. Her selfishness has really pissed me off.

Tuesday, 8-December-2009

Nothing to report, since she was out most of the day.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Monday, 7-December-2009

1) Before I left on Friday, Boss questioned the JR summary that I put together for her meeting at BE today. The item(s) in question was that JR moved something from his class A fund to his 401k class R2 fund. Typically, R2 funds are more expensive on an annual basis. She told me to research this today on Friday. I told HK this on Saturday at the Client Appreciation Brunch. HK researched this Monday morning. Boss came to HK and asked why was JR Summary for review written on the board. HK explained that JR had called Friday requesting a summary to be completed upon her arrival. Boss asks HK, "Is this completed?" HK says, "Yes". Boss scratches off the board. NOTE: So basically Boss forgot about my conversation with her regarding the item in question on Friday.

Friday, December 04, 2009

Friday, 4-December-2009

1) So HK asked Boss that she was having problems filling up the calendar with clients for the remainder of December. And Boss tells HK to not add or call any more, because clients are busy shopping for Christmas. NOTE: So this is why I was unable to take off November and December. Apparently, we are too busy.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Thursday, 3-December-2009

Boss is in a very frantic mood today. She's complaining just about everything.

1) Boss had a very difficult time communicating a request to HK. Guardian of a client came in and Boss wanted to have some kind of 'Letter of Authorization' to do. It was unclear what she wanted, because the Guardian was already designated legally as a Guardian of someone who was incapacitated. So why would we need a letter of authorization drafted up?

2) Boss was complaining that everything that comes through the fax machine should be given to her. Because she is the OSJ Manager, she needs to see everything. I've been here 11 months going on 12 and now this is an issue? She also reiterated that, even though something is sitting in our inbox we cannot assume that Boss saw it.

3) Boss wants us to show up at 830am on Saturday, 5-December-2009 for the 930 am Client Appreciation Brunch. I actually did not have a choice to attend, because she asked me yesterday, if my wife was coming (ie. basically implying that it was assumed that I was attending.)
4) So HK and BR have to do call reminders everyone who is planning to attend Saturday, 5-December-2009 Brunch. They still have to make the call reminder EVEN if the client called yesterday to make reservations.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Wednesday, 2-December-2009

1) BR was busy taking care of a phone call and another incoming phone call was ringing. Boss a couple months ago told us not to answer any calls unless BR was out. Today, when that second phone call rang, Boss got frantic and said 'Would someone please answer that call!??!" There she goes again, changing her mind. First, she doesn't want HK or I answering the phone when BR is here and now she wants us to answer it.

Tuesday, 1-December-2009

Looks like we're going to be written up for a few things based on the auditors comment. If that's true, then Boss is probably going to rip us a new one. Of course, it's not her fault even though this is her freaking business.

1) So I just received a copy of the 'Exit Conference' from the auditor. It identifies some of the things that the auditor found that we were missing. Some of the things we did have, but there was some miscommunication on my part for not asking BR. What's a little more disappointing is that, the Auditor had the exit meeting with Boss and she should have known that a few of the items we did in fact have (this basically means she had no idea.)

Monday, 30-November-2009

Today the FNIC auditor arrived from CO.

1) So the auditor at 855am gives me a list of clients to pull. It is about 27-28 files. I was told prior to the audit, not to give every client folder to the auditor and only the specific files requested. At 920am, Boss comes to me and says have we given the auditor all the files requested. I tell her, "No, and I'm still working on it and have only given him half." She immediately looks at her watch and says well, we need to hurry up and give him stuff so he can finish today. I told Boss I was going as fast as I could and I wanted to make sure I was giving him the correct files. She walked out of the office and said, lets just hurry up and give him what he needs. NOTE: What she fails to realize, I had to pull files throughout the day for Ron, the auditor. In total, I easily pulled 50 different manila folders which were 50% client files and 50% rep files.

Friday, 25-November-2009

Had the day off, because Boss (pretty much) forced me to have the day off.