Goog Adsense

Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday, 19-October-2009

1) Boss is in Reno today and tomorrow. Nothing to report.

Friday, 16-October-2009

1) Boss is advising a client (ie. panga) to liquidate an UTMA account and have that transferred back to the client. HK called Franklin to let them know this. The representative that answered the phone had to forward it to a manager, because they didnt know how to process the request. When the Franklin Manager got on, they told HK, they in their past 7 years has never heard of a request and that there could be litigation since this would set off a lot of red flags.

Thursday, 15-October-2009

1) Doing summaries, so boss out of my hair again.

Wednesday, 14-October-2009

1) Boss out of office. Was able to get a ton of summaries done.

Tuesday, 13-October-2009

1) Summaries!

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