Goog Adsense

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wednesday, 25-November-2009

1) So I was just notified I cannot use any vacation days in December (because according to Boss, we're too busy.) She mentioned that she wants to just pay it out rather then give me the time off next year.

2) HK somehow downloaded a virus on her computer. When we told Boss that HK's computer is down and that D.Prince who is an outside technician guy is coming in, she said, "well, what did HK click that was different?" Note: Clear evidence she has no clue.

Tuesday, 24-November-2009

1) We had a company retreat meeting today. All we did was basically identify items that we've said before (ie. phones need to be updated, need to be making better use of technology, work on communication, etc.)

2) Boss told me I need to use my vacation up by year end and that I should take off this Friday. I thought this was unfair, because back in August she told me that I could carry forward my vacation into next year since she did not want us working in November or December (because we're 'too busy'.) Note: Just for the record, November has been very slow so far.

3) Boss tore me up on client K.Nye's summary due to mistakes. Although she gave me the disclaimer that these were not my fault, she probably did not need to be talking in the tone that she was. Note: these 'mistakes' on the statement have been there since 12/07. So she's seen at least 8 summaries (ie. 4 (1 summary per quarter in a calendar year) x 2 years = 8) and now she has discovered a mistake. So what was she looking at the last 2 years?

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