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Thursday, February 23, 2006

Two people (and you know who you are) have asked me why I haven't had any trading/investing ideas since last week. I definitely do not try to force my ideas and come up with something every day. My strategies have very strict criteria and as I said I don't try to force it. The market right now probably doesn't even merit a long term aspect, so thats why most of my funds are tied up in cash. So hang in there! I know it's not the easiest thing to sit in cash, but sometimes sitting on the sidelines is probably the best thing one can do.

1 comment:

the mtb investor said...

Hi Optionblog - Just a note (you may already know this).

Your blog name is optionSblog, though your screen name is optionblog (without the S).

Thought you might want them the same to help drive traffic.