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Monday, December 07, 2009

Monday, 7-December-2009

1) Before I left on Friday, Boss questioned the JR summary that I put together for her meeting at BE today. The item(s) in question was that JR moved something from his class A fund to his 401k class R2 fund. Typically, R2 funds are more expensive on an annual basis. She told me to research this today on Friday. I told HK this on Saturday at the Client Appreciation Brunch. HK researched this Monday morning. Boss came to HK and asked why was JR Summary for review written on the board. HK explained that JR had called Friday requesting a summary to be completed upon her arrival. Boss asks HK, "Is this completed?" HK says, "Yes". Boss scratches off the board. NOTE: So basically Boss forgot about my conversation with her regarding the item in question on Friday.

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