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Sunday, June 06, 2010

Friday, 4-June-2010

Well, our intern is horrible. He's either text messaging on his iphone or he's on Instant Messenger. It took him 30 minutes to fold less then 50 envelopes today regarding this workshop that Boss is doing in August.

Well, Boss was really happy to land this $80k new client today. They were suppose to come in to sign the papers, but didn't! I found it fairly odd, she was happy to land them, because the wife's a real estate agent and the husband is about to retire from the military. They supplied one of their personal finance Balance Sheet, and they own like 5+ homes totaling 1.3mm in assets; however, they have about 700k in liabilities. If you take out the cash/cash equivalents, they have about 950k in housing and 700k in mortgages. I don't think they're mark to marketing their balance sheet, so who knows what those houses are worth. They're probably worth a lot less then what that balance sheet says.

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